Students outside the Lumen Vitae Center.

Home Is Where the Heart Is

Lumen Vitae大学中心(LVUC)位于校园的中心和学生的家. It is more than a study space, 这是一个家外之家,有漂亮的石头壁炉和舒适的休息区. LVUC为学生、教师和游客提供了一个放松和享受彼此陪伴的地方. 与本笃会好客的价值观相一致,LVUC为所有人提供了一个欢迎的氛围!

As part of the Vision 2030 Capital Campaign, Lumen Vitae大学中心作为学生和教师的社区聚会空间. Lumen Vitae, the Latin phrase meaning “Light of Life,这个中心给立博中文版校园的中心带来了新的生命. 校园餐厅-乌鸦的巢-提供24/7餐饮与各种食物的选择, as well as coffee around the clock. 书店和掠夺者市场都位于方便的距离乌鸦的鸟巢几步.

What’s Inside

The Perfect Study Areas

兰特曼小屋是对我们亲爱的朋友柯克·兰特曼(1931-2019)的纪念,也是对他和他的妻子珍妮特长期以来对大学的慷慨的致敬. Teeming with vibrant tropical flora and featuring cozy study nooks, shimmering waterfalls, and a 10’x3’x3’ aquarium, 这个位于低层的全年绿色空间为北方草原寒冷的冬季天气提供了一个温暖的避难所.

汤姆和弗朗西丝·利奇基金会客厅位于苏珊娜咖啡馆对面的LVUC楼上. The Leach Living Room features a glass wall of windows, welcoming in natural light and creating a picturesque, panoramic view of the beautiful Missouri river. The large stone fireplace is warm and welcoming. 许多桌子和软垫座位为学生提供了一个主要的学习场所. 这样一个友好的环境和无尽的咖啡供应仅几步之遥, 所以里奇基金会客厅如此受欢迎也就不足为奇了!

The Starion Bank Living Room is located on the lower level of the LVUC. This is another favorite study spot for students. There are four booths, 每个都有电源和USB插口,带电视屏幕,可以连接笔记本电脑, as well as tables and cushioned seating. 客厅角落的舞台使其成为举办各种活动的热门空间, consistently hosting weekly The Late Night Show with Fr. Bouck, Monday Morning Mission, and open mic nights. 还有两张定制的桌上足球桌,非常适合学习休息! However, the true gem of this space is the grand piano. 随着乐器的演奏,优雅的钢琴音乐传遍了整个LVUC. However, this grand piano is also open for community use, 所以你很可能会偶尔听到一场即兴的现场表演!

这家热闹的咖啡店位于鸟巢,营业时间从早上7点到晚上9点, 在餐厅外为那些没有用餐计划的人提供打包带走的服务. 苏珊娜提供驯鹿咖啡-热,冰,和混合-以及各种茶. 对于那些在鸟巢内点餐的人来说,苏珊娜餐厅是免费的. The Grab-and-Go service accepts card payments along with Marauders Bucks!

通勤休息室位于luuc下层楼梯下的车站客厅旁边. This space was created specifically with commuter students in mind. 它配备了微波炉、冰箱、冰柜、电脑、打印机和储物柜. 通勤学生现在在校园中心有了自己的地方,让他们有宾至如归的感觉, meet other students, and participate in the lively campus atmosphere.

Bravera Bank Branch

The Bravera Bank Branch, formerly known as American Bank Center (ABC), 位于LVUC学生参与中心对面的低层. 立博中文版的这个全方位服务分支机构完全由学生管理,他们与顾问团队合作,寻找适合立博中文版社区成员需求的合适产品.

In addition, 校园里有两个自动取款机:一个在MAC和LVUC的交汇处,另一个在豪尔家庭剧院对面的本尼迪克特服务型领导中心. Students can conveniently make withdrawals and deposits, take out loans, and apply for credit cards without stepping off the Mary hill. For more information, please visit:  

Already have a bank account? No problem! 使用在线应用程序,您可以从其他银行账户进行安全,可靠和免费的转账. What are you waiting for? Start your account now!

What We Have to Offer:

  • Checking Account
  • Savings Account
  • 电子银行服务-网上银行,账单支付,手机银行,物业
  • 额外的服务- Visa信用卡,借记卡,express电话银行,和更多!

To see more details, please see the personal banking.

A Look Back at Lumen Vitae

Take a look back at the creation of the Lumen Vitae University Center!